Beijing Hyundai's Personnel Optimization Rumor Denied, Focus on New Energy and Talent Introduction

TapTechNews September 29th news, there is a rumor on the Internet that Beijing Hyundai plans to carry out personnel optimization in two batches. According to the Daily Economic News report, an insider of Beijing Hyundai revealed that there is no such statement of layoffs in batches.

The person said: The report that Beijing Hyundai will lay off 30% of the staff is completely untrue, and there is no so-called 'first batch' or'second batch'.

The insider mentioned that Beijing Hyundai is developing new energy products and enhancing export business. According to the need for professional talents required for reform and transformation, the company conducts the replenishment of young talents every year. The goal in 2024 is to introduce more than 100 outstanding young talents, and the recruitment work is still ongoing.

This person also said that every company will normally assess employees according to performance every year.

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TapTechNews noted that the total sales volume of Beijing Hyundai in the whole year of 2023 was a total of 257,000 units, an increase of 2.8% year-on-year, and the annual export volume exceeded 10,000 units. However, the brand's sales volume in the first half of this year was 100,000 units, and more than 123,300 units were delivered in the first half of 2023.
