Microsoft Adds 'Advanced Paste' Feature to PowerToys with AI

TapTechNews May 22nd news, Microsoft is adding a new feature named 'Advanced Paste' to PowerToys, which utilizes the powerful functions of artificial intelligence to convert clipboard content in real time. This new feature can help users improve work efficiency, such as copying and pasting code from one programming language to another. However, to use some of the more advanced features of the Advanced Paste function, the OpenAI API is required.

Microsoft Adds 'Advanced Paste' Feature to PowerToys with AI_0

'Advanced Paste' is included in version 0.81 of PowerToys and can be invoked by using the key combination Windows key + Shift + V. This will open an 'Advanced Paste' text window, providing paste format conversion options such as plain text, markdown, and JSON.

If 'Use AI for Paste' is enabled in the 'Advanced Paste' settings, users can also see an OpenAI prompt box for entering the required conversion type, such as summarizing text, translation, generating code, rewriting content from a casual style to a formal style, or even speaking in the tone of Yoda, etc. You can try as long as you can think of it.

According to TapTechNews, the 'Advanced Paste' function uses OpenAI's large language model ChatGPT to analyze the text in the clipboard. Through this function, users can achieve the following operations:

Text summarization: Get long text from the clipboard and let the AI help you summarize the key points.

Text translation: Translate the text in the clipboard from one language to another.

Code generation: Get the function description from the clipboard and let the AI generate the corresponding code.

Text conversion: Get the text from the clipboard and let the AI rewrite it in a specific style, such as a professional email or a casual message.

Text refinement: Get the text from the clipboard and let the AI rewrite it in the style of a well-known writer, book, or speaker.

However, to use this function, some prerequisites need to be met. Users need to add the OpenAI API key in PowerToys, and if there is no quota for the OpenAI account (the API quota is different from the paid ChatGPT account), it also needs to be purchased.
