AppleNews+ subscriptions growth in the US compared to major publishers

TapTechNews May 30th news, market analysis firm CIRP released a latest research report comparing the growth of AppleNews+ subscriptions in the US region with that of major publishers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

AppleNews+ subscriptions growth in the US compared to major publishers_0

Some publishers said that AppleNews+ has already represented a substantial direct source of income and may become a savior in the case of an economic slowdown.

Apple's last quarterly financial report showed that the overall revenue of the service category including AppleNews+ increased by 14.2% year-on-year. And CIRP data shows that Apple performed better than major US publishers in terms of subscription growth among Apple users.

According to CIRP data, from 2020 to 2024, the subscription volume of AppleNews+ in the US increased from 15% to 24%. At the same time, the subscription volume of The New York Times and The Washington Post only increased by 2%, and that of The Wall Street Journal increased by 3%.

CIRP data shows that nearly a quarter of US Apple users are currently paying for AppleNews+. The company also emphasized that by joining Apple's services, publishers will be able to reach tens of millions of users.

However, this CIRP study only investigated Apple device users, not all consumers. In addition, CIRP also did not provide the ratio between users who pay $12.99 (TapTechNews note: currently about 94 RMB) to subscribe to AppleNews+ alone and users who subscribe to AppleOne (including AppleNews+) through $32.99 (currently about 239 RMB).
