Netflix CEO AI Won't Replace Creatives, but Proficient Ones May Take Your Jobs

TapTechNews May 28th news, Netflix's chief executive officer, Ted Sarandos, doesn't think AI will replace screenwriters, actors and directors one day, but people proficient in AI may replace your job.

Sarandos said in an interview with The New York Times: I don't believe that an AI program can create better works than the top human screenwriters, nor do I believe that AI will replace excellent actors in the future, nor do I believe that in the future we won't be able to distinguish the difference between AI and human works.

Sarandos said that AI won't take away your job, but those who are skilled in AI skills will.

Sarandos took the transformation of home video recorders as a cut-in, and TapTechNews translated the relevant interview content as follows:

Remember how everyone fought against home video recorders? For decades, movie studios were reluctant to license movies to TV stations for airing, so every technological advance in the entertainment industry triggers a debate, but it ultimately leads to business growth. I don't know if this time is any different.

25 years ago, when we started mailing DVDs, we entered a transitional industry. We knew that physical media would not be the future.

I think the use of AI in today's creative fields is a natural progression. Screenwriters, directors, and editors will use AI as a tool to better complete their work and complete tasks more efficiently.
