Apple Granted a patent for AppleWatch for intelligent shopping and more

According to TapTechNews on June 21, based on the list disclosed by the US Trademark and Patent Office yesterday (June 20), Apple has obtained a patent for AppleWatch, mainly using Ultra-wideband to realize intelligent shopping and information collection through natural gestures, etc.

Most of Apple's patent describes that in the shopping scenario, users wearing an AppleWatch only need to raise their fingers to point at a certain item to obtain relevant information such as the item's price, place of origin, and shelf life.

Apple Granted a patent for AppleWatch for intelligent shopping and more_0

And a more interesting point of this patent is the generalization in daily life scenarios. For example, an AppleWatch wearer points to a painting in the gallery, and then the system will provide more details about the painting. TapTechNews attaches the relevant screenshot as follows:

Apple Granted a patent for AppleWatch for intelligent shopping and more_1

And in another example, the user points to the pyramids in Egypt, and the AppleWatch will record the location pointed by the user and provide relevant information.

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VIA: AppleInsider
