Beijing Times Battery Base Project Ground-breaking Ceremony

TapTechNews June 18th news, on June 18th, the ground-breaking ceremony of the Beijing Times Battery Base Project jointly invested and constructed by CATL, BAIC Group, Jingneng Group, and Xiaomi Group was held.

Su Guobin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economics and Information Technology, Shi Wei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, Zeng Yuqun, chairman and CEO of CATL, Zhang Jianyong, Party secretary and chairman of BAIC Group, Zhang Fengyang, deputy general manager of Jingneng Group, Lin Shiwei, vice president and chief financial officer of Xiaomi Group and chairman of Tianxing Digital Finance Co., Ltd., and the heads of relevant commissions and bureaus in Beijing attended.

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According to the introduction, the Beijing Times Battery Base Project is designed in accordance with the "lighthouse factory + zero-carbon factory", adopting the most advanced high-production rate, high-automation rate and high-flexibility production line of CATL, and after completion, it will provide battery products that can be stably mass-produced for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei vehicle enterprise customers such as BAIC and Xiaomi.

At the same time, the project will also drive more upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to settle in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, improving the overall competitiveness of the new energy industrial chain supply chain ecology in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei.

TapTechNews inquired and learned that Beijing Times Power Battery Co., Ltd. was registered and established on May 17th, with a registered capital of 1 billion yuan of which CATL holds 51%, BAIC Hailanxin is the platform management and investment entity of the company, holding 39%, and Jingneng Technology and Xiaomi Automobile each holds 5%.

BAIC Hailanxin Energy Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. is a platform company jointly established by BAIC Blue Valley, BAIC Capital Investment and Beijing Hainachuan.

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