Henan Launches First Batch of Low-Altitude UAV Logistics Distribution Air Routes

TapTechNews May 18th news, the launch ceremony of Henan's first batch of low-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) logistics distribution air routes was held in Zhengzhou today, and the first batch of 3 UAV logistics distribution air routes were officially launched, jointly completed by Henan Aviation Investment General Aviation Investment Co., Ltd. and UU Runner.

In the test flight process, a UAV carrying the mobile phone purchased by the user on order set off from the Digital Harbor of Henan Science and Technology Market and arrived at the Xin Tian Di Communication Building 12 minutes later. (TapTechNews note: The other two air routes are from Zhengzhou Parkmore to Zhenghonghui, and from Ersha Cultural and Creative Park to Zhengzhou Botanical Garden.)

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Sun Shaofei, general manager of Henan General Aviation UAV Technology Co., Ltd., said, We have used the advanced small logistics UAV in China, with a maximum load of 9 pounds (about 4.08kg), equipped with a 40×30×20cm cargo box, and can operate normally under the 6-level wind, with a maximum range of 9.3 miles (about 15km) and an average speed of 40-60 kilometers per hour, and the transportation time is shortened by more than half.

Zhang Mingchao, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of Zhongyu Aviation Group, said: In the next step, Zhongyu Aviation will seize the strategic opportunity of the low-altitude economy development, resolutely implement the relevant decision-making and deployment of the provincial Party committee and government, take the emerging industries and emergency rescue and other projects related to the national economy and people's livelihood as the starting point, focus on scientific and technological innovation, and extend the industrial chain to accumulate strength for the development of new-quality productive forces in Henan.
