Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim Phone Confirmed and Details Revealed

TapTechNews June 9th, blogger @iIceUniverse posted today, confirming the existence of Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim phone and stating that 'it's not called Ultra because it's not Ultra, it's just thin.'

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The blogger answered the questions from netizens in the comment area. He said that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim phone didn't have a shrink in configuration, nor a big upgrade; because of its thinness, Fold6 Slim doesn't support S Pen stylus; in terms of price, the Slim model will be more expensive.

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TapTechNews previously reported that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim phone is planned to be released in the fourth quarter of 2024. The internal development has Galaxy Z Fold6 Slim and Galaxy Z Flip6 Slim, and the codes of the two phones are 'Q6Slim' and 'B6Slim' respectively.

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