Google Chrome Claims Title of World's Fastest Browser

TapTechNews June 9th news, Google Chrome browser has won the title of the world's fastest browser, and the latest version of Chrome achieved the highest score ever in the Speedometer 3.0 test. Speedometer 3.0 is an industry-standard open-source benchmarking tool used to measure browser performance.

Speedometer 3.0 simulates real operations of users in modern web applications, such as adding to-do items and editing text, to test the response speed of the browser in handling these tasks. By repeating these tasks at extremely high speed, the benchmark test can measure browser performance and clearly show the capabilities of each browser. It is worth noting that this test tool was jointly developed by major players in the browser market such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla, so its fairness can be ensured.

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In order to come out on top in the test, Google has made some ingenious optimizations to Chrome. 'By looking at the workload of Speedometer and the functions in Chrome that take the most time, we can make targeted optimizations for these functions to improve Chrome's score.' Google pointed out.

Engineers delved into resource-intensive functions like 'SpaceSplitString' and simplified operations such as string processing and style sheet deduplication. They also fine-tuned the rendering process to reduce the additional memory usage when drawing form elements and such. In addition, Google also cooperated with the maintainer of the text shaping engine HarfBuzz to improve the way Chrome renders Apple's AAT font format.

Google stated that they also focused on 'code layering' and further optimized the engine by picking the most appropriate code. At the same time, improvements in garbage collection have also increased the Speedometer score by about 3%.

Of course, speed is only one of the many factors that affect the browser experience, and pure benchmark test results do not represent everything. Since most browsers are based on the Chromium core, the performance gap between them is not as big as in the past. However, browser manufacturers have not stopped there. For example, the Firefox browser has been committed to narrowing the gap with Chrome. Last year, Firefox also beat Chrome in the old version speed test tool SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark developed by the Apple WebKit team.

TapTechNews noticed that Chrome still leads by a wide margin in market share. According to StatCounter's data, as of May 2024, the Google browser occupied an astonishing 65.12% of the global browser market share. The second-ranked is Apple's Safari, with only 18.17% share. The third-ranked is Edge, and its market share is only 5.21%. The browser market seems to have stabilized, the ranking changes in the past five years or so have been minimal, and this situation may remain in the future.
