Google Chrome's New AI-Based History Search Function

TapTechNews June 8th news, @Leopeva64 discovered that the latest Google Chrome Canary version has added a new AI-based history search function (not yet implemented), which allows users to find the desired history records more easily and effectively.

To try this feature, it is very simple, just open the Chrome settings menu, and then find the History Search switch in the You and Google section and turn it on.

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The traditional history search function requires users to provide some title keywords, but if you can't remember the specific content clearly, it will be very troublesome.

This new feature provides some new filtering and grouping options that can be used when searching and browsing historical records. For example, you can filter historical records by date and obtain more detailed information.

TapTechNews here gives an example. Suppose you searched for a recipe last month, but you can't remember the content you searched at that time clearly, and can only vaguely remember including nuts or walnuts. In this case, you can find the required result even if you use inaccurate search terms.

According to the introduction, Google can use AI to analyze your browsing patterns, put your search terms in the context of these patterns to understand, and identify relevant historical record entries, even if the web page title does not exactly match the keywords you provided.
