
Microsoft Edge 126 Update New Feature in InPrivate Browsing Mode

Microsoft Edge 126 introduced a new feature in InPrivate Browsing mode. Learn more about it here.

iPhone 15's Battery Reserve Feature Enhanced in iOS 18

The 'battery reserve' feature of iPhone 15 in iOS 18 shows time after power depletion, limited to 15 series. Learn more here.

Microsoft Updates Cocreator in Paint with New Details

Microsoft updated the Cocreator in Paint, with details on requirements and usage. Only with specific hardware and internet connection. Learn how to use it now.

Google Chrome's New AI-Based History Search Function

Discover Google Chrome's new AI-based history search feature and how it helps users find records easily.

Google Chrome for iOS Introduces Tab Grouping Feature

The iOS version of Google Chrome now has a tab grouping feature. Learn how to enable it here.

Microsoft Adds New Feature to iPad Version of Word Page Borders

Microsoft invites Microsoft 365 Insider members to test the new page border feature in iPad Word. It enhances document beauty and has preset and custom options.