Microsoft to Bring New Copilot Skill to PowerPoint in June

TapTechNews, on May 31, it was reported that Microsoft updated the Microsoft 365 road map on May 29, announcing that it will bring a new Copilot skill to PowerPoint globally in June, which can automatically analyze the key points of PDF content to create PPT presentation文稿. (PPT presentation文稿: slideshow made by PowerPoint)

Microsoft to Bring New Copilot Skill to PowerPoint in June_0

According to the road map, this function will be launched in the desktop version and web version of PowerPoint and will be promoted globally. TapTechNews note: The usage method of this function is very simple. Users only need to upload the PDF file content, and Copilot will analyze the document and generate a presentation with an appropriate style based on the content, especially for PDF documents that already have a clear structure and process, which can greatly save users' time.

Although the specific details of Copilot's analysis have not been announced, it is very likely that the artificial intelligence will recognize the titles, subtitles, and key points in the PDF file and then translate them into formatted slides.
