AMD, Google and Other Tech Giants Form 'Avengers Alliance' to Launch UALink Standard

TapTechNews May 31 news, many tech giants such as AMD, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Broadcom, and Cisco have formed an "Avengers Alliance", jointly launched the UALink industry standard, to challenge Nvidia's NVLink technology, the "Thanos".

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Note of TapTechNews: NVLink is a bus and its communication protocol developed and launched by Nvidia, which uses a point-to-point structure and serial transmission, and is used to connect the central processing unit (CPU) and the graphics processing unit (GPU), and can also be used for the interconnection between multiple Nvidia graphic processing units.

These tech giants announced the establishment of a new alliance named "UltraAcceleratorLink (UALink) Promotion Group" this Thursday, planning to formulate and promote the UALink industry standard and lead the development of the connection components between AI accelerator chips in the data center.

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The idea behind UALink is ambitious, which can connect up to 1024 endpoints. Simply put, it is possible to connect a large number of accelerators together to jointly complete large-scale computing tasks.

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The coolest thing about UALink is that it is not only applicable to large enterprises. It opens a door for everyone in the industry, allowing them to keep up with Nvidia not only in scale but also in terms of innovation. Broadcom has begun to produce UALink switches, which will help other companies expand their operations.

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The promotion and implementation of the UALink standard is also beneficial to the entire AI industry. This standard encourages cooperation and innovation, and the goal is to build a faster and more efficient artificial intelligence system to complete more complex tasks.
