XPeng Motors' AIDay Upgrades in Intelligent Driving and More

TapTechNews May 18th, XPeng Motors' AIDay event was previously officially scheduled for May 20th, and intelligent driving/parking/voice assistant are expected to be upgraded. Today, XPeng Motors' founder He Xiaopeng preheated some contents of the press conference.

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He Xiaopeng disclosed that the function 'AI valet driving' that he uses every day to commute to and from work can realize one-click to work and one-click to home. Although it cannot reach from parking space to parking space yet, it's not far away.

In addition, He Xiaopeng said in the video: 'Hopefully within the next 12 months, XPeng Motors' AI valet driving ability and autonomous driving ability will increase by approximately more than 10 times, not 10%.'

At the end of the video, He Xiaopeng preheated some contents of May 20th. He said: 'This is the first OTA that implements the end-to-end large model in China. This is the OTA that turns little P into a large model. From this time on, we will have tremendous changes. We will bring a brand new XPeng's OTA to everyone on 520 AIDay.'

 XPeng Motors AIDay Upgrades in Intelligent Driving and More_1

According to TapTechNews' previous report, XPeng Motors has continuously released 3 preheating posters since May 14th. It is reported that the intelligent driving technology to be unveiled is claimed to have a 'true AI' that can 'think', which is different from the fake AI that uses 'cheat sheets'; the parking technology is expected to realize that the user can get off the car to complete the parking operation without remote control; the voice assistant is even claimed to 'understand driving, understand encyclopedia and understand you better', which is different from other in-car voices that can only listen to instructions.
