AI Pioneer Expresses Concerns, Proposes Universal Basic Income

TapTechNews May 20th news, Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence and known as the Godfather of AI for his pioneering work in neural networks, has recently expressed concerns about the development of artificial intelligence. He stated that AI may replace a large number of traditional jobs and suggested that the UK government implement a universal basic income system to address this challenge.

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According to the BBC, Hinton admitted in an interview, I am very worried that AI will replace many simple jobs. To solve this problem, he believes that a universal basic income is a feasible solution.

I was invited to Downing Street to discuss with government officials, Hinton said, and at that time I suggested that they consider a universal basic income system.

As understood by TapTechNews, a universal basic income means that the government regularly distributes a sum of cash to all adult citizens regardless of their income or employment status, and there are no restrictions on the use of this money. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the universal basic income system has gradually become the focus of attention of AI researchers, futurists, and industry leaders, and is regarded as a means to mitigate the economic impact of artificial intelligence.

Not only that, the concept of universal basic income is also being regarded as a potential solution to poverty problems in countries such as South Africa, Kenya, and India. In the US, some cities and states are also attempting to implement guaranteed basic income plans to distribute unconditional monthly cash subsidies to specific groups of people.

Hinton feels that artificial intelligence will increase productivity and create more wealth, but without government intervention, this wealth will only further widen the gap between the rich and the poor and harm those who may lose their jobs. This will be a very unfavorable side for society, he said.

In addition to universal basic income, Hinton also advocates a more cautious approach to the development of artificial intelligence. He warns that within just 5 to 20 years, artificial intelligence may pose an extinction-level threat to humans.

Even some people who advocate actively promoting the development of artificial intelligence also believe that the government should consider some form of regular cash distribution plan to redistribute wealth.

The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, who has been committed to developing general artificial intelligence, is also conducting an experiment on universal basic income and plans to announce the results soon. In addition, he has also proposed the concept of universal basic computing power. He said that people can obtain a part of the computing power of a powerful language model like GPT-7 in the future just like obtaining cash. Altman said, People can use it freely, resell it, or donate it to others for uses such as cancer research.
