China Initiates Establishment of E-sports Working Group in ISO

TapTechNews June 27th news, the General Administration of Market Supervision stated that China has recently successfully initiated the establishment of an e-sports working group in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

The official said that the establishment of this e-sports working group and the successful project approval of the e-sports international standard proposal have filled the gap of international standards in this field and will strongly promote the development of the global e-sports industry.

In order to enhance international cooperation and exchanges in the e-sports field, China has proposed the establishment of an e-sports working group and the world's first e-sports international standard proposal starting from the global demand for the e-sports market and standard gaps, and has received the support and participation of 10 countries including Germany, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, and Malaysia.

 China Initiates Establishment of E-sports Working Group in ISO_0

As an emerging sports project, e-sports has developed rapidly in recent years and has become a highly concerned and highly potential industry in the world.

In 2023, the International Olympic Committee for the first time established a brand-new e-sports committee for the future prospects of e-sports. In the same year, the Hangzhou Asian Games included e-sports in the official competition events for the first time.

Referring to the previous TapTechNews report, Chinese athletes won a total of 4 golds and 1 copper in the e-sports field of the Hangzhou Asian Games and ranked first in the e-sports project medal list, including , , , , .

In the Hangzhou Asian Games, e-sports debuted as an official competition event, with a total of 7 sub-events, which are: , , , , , , .

The Chinese team sent a total of 31 athletes to participate in this Asian Games e-sports project, participating in 6 sub-events except for . Eventually, the Chinese team achieved a result of 4 golds and 1 copper, becoming the biggest winner of the e-sports project in the Hangzhou Asian Games.
