Weibo Deals with Violations by 'Self-Media' Accounts

TapTechNews June 13th news, the Weibo administrator posted a notice today. In the past week, the station has focused on five major problems such as self-directed and self-acted fraud by self-media accounts, desperate measures to rub and stir social hotspots, setting topics one-sidedly, creating personas against public order and good customs, and over-issuing new pornographic news. A total of 2854 pieces of illegal content have been cleaned up, and 254 illegal accounts such as @YuyanYouzhi, @Jizahuli and Jijahuli, @Jianzhifu, etc. have been dealt with by means of phased mute until the account is closed according to the severity, and 12 blog posts suspected of inciting opposition have been dealt with by restricting advertising revenue.

Weibo Deals with Violations by Self-Media' Accounts_0

The Weibo side provides the following partial typical violation cases.

Case 1: User H****deng was given a phased mute treatment by the station for releasing bad-oriented content to attract attention by taking advantage of the popular public opinion event in the discussion of the college entrance examination-related topics.

Case 2: User Zhao**25 first released false rumor information New college entrance examination policy is that those who are not nearsighted can get 30-50 points added in the platform, disturbing public order, and the station dealt with the account by closing it.

Case 3: User Good**Cat was given the treatment of restricting blog post revenue and tagging and publicizing the content for transporting irrelevant content and publishing bad-oriented remarks that are prone to inciting opposition discussions in the hot event #Man taking pictures of shops was falsely accused of secretly taking pictures by a woman who strayed into the lens#.

According to the previous report of TapTechNews, in late April this year, the Cyberspace Administration of China announced the launch of a two-month Qinglang - Rectifying 'Self-Media' Fishing for Traffic with No Bottom Line special action nationwide. The key points of rectification mainly include self-directed and self-acted fraud, desperate measures to rub and stir social hotspots, setting topics one-sidedly, creating personas against public order and good customs, and over-issuing new pornographic news (using sensational expression techniques and matching with eye-catching titles and covers to produce and release information content with incomplete elements, difficult to distinguish between true and false, low quality, and lack of public value).
