7th Digital China Construction Summit Digital Economy and Computing Power Updates

TapTechNews May 28th news, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit has closed in Fuzhou on May 25th. A total of 421 digital economy projects were connected and signed at this summit, with a total investment of 203 billion yuan. It also included the centralized release of a series of new digital technologies and products, the centralized signing of a number of major digital economy projects, and the successful holding of 13 sub-forums such as digital economy, data elements and data assetization.

At the sub-forum of 'Beijing Quality Leading, Smart Initiating a New Chapter', the super-large-scale computing power cluster of China Telecom's Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Intelligent Computing Center was officially released, and Beijing Telecom also stated that it will build a Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei 10,000-card computing power resource pool by the end of June this year.

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The member of the Party group of the Municipal Communications Administration Bureau, Zhu Chunxia, said that the bureau is activating the new vitality of the computing power industry ecosystem, coordinating the balanced development of computing power in Beijing and the surrounding Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, promoting Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordination, advancing the construction of the computing power interconnection platform, building an active high-tech industry ecosystem, and letting the leading enterprises play an exemplary role to drive the agglomeration and landing of data element circulation, data innovative applications and new consumption industries around computing power interconnection.

Ke Ruiwen, the chairman of China Telecom, believes that scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new-quality productive forces. He said that China Telecom will focus on tackling key technologies such as heterogeneous cloud scheduling, intelligent computing network, and cloud network operating system, and continuously contribute innovative solutions for the high-quality supply of computing resources. In the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum, and network, it will continue to tackle general large models and quantum computing cloud platforms, accelerate the research on 6G network architecture and standards, and actively seize the commanding heights of scientific and technological competition and future development.

The 'Digital China Development Report (2023)' released at the 7th Digital China Construction Summit shows that in 2023, China's digital economy maintained steady growth, and the added value of the core industries of the digital economy accounted for 10% of the GDP.

China's data element market is becoming increasingly active. In 2023, the total amount of data production reached 32.85 ZB, an increase of 22.44% compared to the previous year. The total scale of computing power has reached 230 EFLOPS (TapTechNews note: it can complete 230 billion billion floating-point operations per second), ranking second in the world. The scale of intelligent computing power has reached 70 EFLOPS (that is, 70 billion billion floating-point operations per second), with a growth rate of more than 70%.

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Experts say that with the acceleration and improvement of digital infrastructure and capabilities such as big data and the Internet of Things, a large numbe r of scientific and technological achievements have found real application scenarios, bringing the rise of new technologies, new industries, and new business forms such as artificial intelligence and digital economy.
