SenseTime's Computing Power and Future Outlook

TapTechNews May 28th news, Xu Bing, the co-founder of SenseTime, said that SenseTime has purchased more than 40,000 Nvidia chips in the past 10 years. SenseTime aims to achieve profitability within 1 to 2 years.

Xu Bing pointed out that there is a shortage of artificial intelligence computing power in Asia, and there is a 10-fold gap compared to the United States, but the computing power gap between China and the United States can be made up.

He believes that on one hand, it is because domestic chips are developing rapidly. On the other hand, as a commodity, this computing power has a rather significant investment attribute. As long as China is willing to continuously invest funds and resources in the field of computing power, there will be an opportunity for the computing power gap between China and the United States to gradually narrow.

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Xu Bing also mentioned that currently, most of the best talents in the AI industry are concentrated in the United States, which is inseparable from the fact that the United States has the largest computing power resources in the world. However, he firmly believes that as China's computing power level improves and the expansion of AI application scenarios, China will gradually attract more talents to the Asian market. This will not only accelerate the development of China's AI technology, but also inject new vitality into the technological progress and economic development of the entire Asian region. In the long term, there will not be a big gap between China and the United States, and there will also be hundreds of billions or trillions of dollar enterprises emerging in China.

At present, China's AI computing power industry is developing rapidly. In the fields of cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, China has established a number of world-leading AI computing power platforms and data centers, providing strong computing support and data analysis capabilities for various industries. TapTechNews noticed that the Chinese government is also increasing its support for the AI computing power industry, promoting technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and helping China become an important force in the global AI computing power field.
