Riot Games'

Riot Games' Valorant product manager ColemanPalm (Altombre) said on X when responding to a netizen's comment that the PS5 version of the game will not use the gyroscope hardware in the controller for motion aiming to ensure fairness between PS5 and Xbox console players.

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ColemanPalm then added that the development team is not unaware of the motion aiming feature, but the Xbox controller does not natively support it.

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If we insisted on considering the gyroscope as the 'way to play' on game consoles, we would lean towards PS5 > Xbox, but that's what we don't want to do.

In addition, RiotNu (Marcus Reid), the leader of the Valorant technical department, confirmed that the console version of the game will support the 120Hz mode.

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TapTechNews previously reported that valorant will start the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S console version test on June 14, supporting cross-platform commonality of progress and inventory, but not supporting cross-platform play between console and PC players.

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