Tencent Cloud's AI Code Assistant Opens for Free Public Beta

TapTechNews May 22nd, Tencent Cloud Announces that its AI Code Assistant is now open for free limited-time public beta. Currently, developers, development teams, and enterprise customers can experience it online through the Tencent Cloud official website.

Tencent Clouds AI Code Assistant Opens for Free Public Beta_0

The AI Code Assistant is a programming efficiency-boosting auxiliary tool independently developed by Tencent Cloud, which is installed in the editor (VSCode or JetBrian series IDE) in the form of a plugin to assist programming.

The AI Code Assistant can provide functions such as automatic code completion, code generation based on comments, code interpretation, generation of test codes, conversion of code languages, technical dialogues, etc.

TapTechNews attaches the characteristics of Tencent Cloud's AI Code Assistant:

Based on Tencent's Hybrid Code Model: Tencent says that more than 50% of its internal R & D is using it.

Supports multiple languages: Supports Python, JavaScript/TypeScript, Java, C/C++, Go, C#, Rust, Swift, Lua, Kotlin, TSX/JSX, Vue, Proto, PHP and other languages/frameworks.

Supports mainstream IDEs: Supports VSCode and the JetBrains family.

Enhances R & D efficiency: Through technical dialogues and code completion, it assists in generating business codes, comments, unit tests, etc., to improve development efficiency.

Accelerates the development process: Assists in completion, BUG diagnosis, generation of tests, releasing mechanical work, and focusing on code creation.

Enables seamless development experience: Dialogue learning, quick understanding, standardized writing, shortens the learning curve , and less detours in development.
