Microsoft Xbox Game Studios Exclusive Games and Future Plans

TapTechNews, June 22nd. Matt Booty, the head of Microsoft Xbox Game Studios, gave an interview to Variety media and emphasized that Xbox exclusives will not disappear, and there will be more exclusives coming online in the future.

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In the interview, Booty talked about his plans for Xbox's future, how the studio handles cross-platform games, and the importance of developing the game community. TapTechNews attaches the full interview link. Interested users can click to read.

When talking about the success of Sea of Thieves on PlayStation, Booty's excitement was palpable. He said that it not only increased people's participation on Xbox and PC but also brought many new players to the series.

Booty stated that Microsoft always puts players first and hopes to eliminate barriers and bring players on different devices together. This strategy not only improves the gaming experience for everyone but also helps build an inclusive and extensive gaming society.

Booty emphasized that promoting cross-platform games and launching exclusive games do not conflict. Microsoft will launch more Xbox exclusives in the future, and after a limited time, it will open to other platforms such as PlayStation.
