NicoNico to Resume Services after Cyberattack

TapTechNews June 26th news, TapTechNews learned from the official website of the anime bullet screen website NicoNico that after a comprehensive inspection and the completion of service security verification, NicoNico will resume some of the video sharing service NicoNicoChannelPlus that was interrupted due to cyberattacks on the 28th (this Friday).

In order to welcome the upcoming reopening, the NicoNico website will enter the maintenance state from 11 am local time on the 27th to noon on the 28th. After the relevant services go online again on the 28th, the policy of compensating users for the monthly membership fees for June and July will not change.

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On the 25th, the smart phone version of the manga viewing service NicoNico Manga, which was previously interrupted due to a large-scale cyberattack, changed the URL and resumed some services, but users could not log in and could only view the content provided for free.

TapTechNews attached the previous background:

The anime bullet screen website NicoNico released a statement on the 14th saying that the company's data center suffered a ransomware cyberattack, resulting in a large number of virtual machines being encrypted and unusable.

Facing continuous attacks, NicoNico physically unplugged the power cord and communication cable of the server to prevent the spread of infection - and this led to the inability of all the servers in the website's data center to be used. Currently, NicoNico has suspended the internal network and internal business systems and is investigating whether there is a data leakage problem.

The official said that the development team needs to check the content of the servers one by one and try to save the complete data, using it to rebuild the entire system in a safe environment, and the phased recovery of services is expected to take more than a month. On the same day, NicoNico announced the launch of a new version of the website Niconico Animation (Re: Temporary) .
