DIY Enthusiast Transforms Raspberry Pi into AI Storytelling Device

TapTechNews May 23rd news, DIY enthusiast Stefano Mazzocchi has recently transformed the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W single-board computer into an AI device to tell bedtime stories to his daughter.

DIY Enthusiast Transforms Raspberry Pi into AI Storytelling Device_0

Mazzocchi said that he is very optimistic about the future development of large language models (LLMs), but at this stage he doesn't like hallucinations (false or misleading information that seems factual) and making things up. And when he started making this project, he considered the hallucination problem. Since it is positioned as a story machine for children, even some hallucinations are not a big deal.

Mazzocchi said that the entire production cost is less than 50 US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 362 Chinese yuan), including a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W, a SeeedStudio ReSpeaker 2 and a speaker. He also created a program called Fably to use LLM to generate bedtime stories for children.
