Tesla Releases Autopilot Safety Data Report After a Long Time

TapTechNews May 23rd, after the fourth quarter of 2022, Tesla finally released its Autopilot safety data report again after more than a year.

Tesla stated that under the condition of activating Autopilot, there is an accident on average every 7.63 million miles (TapTechNews note: approximately 12.2793 million kilometers). For owners who do not use Autopilot, there is an accident on average every 955,000 miles.

In contrast, the data recently provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (from 2022) shows that the average American car owner has an accident every 670,000 miles.

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In fact, Tesla has always had the habit of publishing the Vehicle Safety Report quarterly before, by tracking the mileage between accidents when its vehicles are used with or without Autopilot and comparing it with the industry average.

Tesla claims that its Autopilot can bring a safer driving experience, and even without Autopilot, its accident rate is far lower than the average level in the US.

TapTechNews noticed that the data in the first quarter of 2023 shown in Tesla's report has regressed compared to the safety data in the same period of the previous year, which may be the reason why Tesla failed to provide this data last year.
