ByteDance Releases AI Development Tool Doubao MarsCode

TapTechNews June 27th news, ByteDance yesterday released an AI development tool - Doubao MarsCode in Beijing, open to domestic developers for free.

Doubao MarsCode programming assistant, has AI functions represented by intelligent code completion. It supports multiple systems (Windows, macOS, Linux), programming languages and mainstream IDEs (VisualStudioCode and JetBrains), and can provide writing suggestions for single lines of code and even entire functions during the development process.

TapTechNews attached official website:

 ByteDance Releases AI Development Tool Doubao MarsCode_0

Supported mainstream languages and frameworks of Doubao MarsCode programming assistant are as follows:

Backend: Go, Python, C++, C, C#, Java, PHP, Rust

Frontend: HTML, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS

Application-end: Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift

Others: Lua, SAS, CUDA, Perl, Ruby, Shell, SQL, R

Functions supported by Doubao MarsCode programming assistant:

Code completion: Read and understand the current code, and then provide subsequent code snippets, and also support generating code snippets through comments.

Code completion Pro: Based on the previous editing content and code situation, predict the next change point and provide recommended code.

Code generation: Understand natural language and generate the required code.

Code editing: Edit the specified code, including refactoring, optimization, modifying some logic, etc.

Code interpretation: Accurately interpret the project code and quickly get started with development.

Code comment generation: Generate function-level comments or more detailed inline comments.

Unit test generation: Generate unit tests for the specified code snippet.

Intelligent repair: Discover problems in the code and repair them.

Intelligent Q&A: Directionally optimize the Q&A quality for the R & D field to provide more accurate Q&A results.

In addition, ByteDance also launched Doubao MarsCodeIDE, a cloud AI IDE platform, through the built-in AI programming assistant to achieve a plug and play development environment.

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