WeChat's Volume Expands Dramatically in 11 Years

On June 6, TapTechNews reported that People's Daily published an article yesterday, discussing the increasing number of mobile phone apps and causing a sensation on the Internet. Among them, the fact that the volume of WeChat has expanded by 575 times in 11 years has become the focus of everyone's attention and topped the No. 1 hot search on Weibo at noon today.

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A survey report mentioned (TapTechNews note: the original source is not clearly stated), on average, each mobile phone has 80 different apps installed, but the average number of apps actually used every day is only 9. The excessive number of apps also puts pressure on the mobile phone's storage space.

Some netizens said that the volume of WeChat is getting larger and larger, and with the continuous accumulation of information, it takes up a lot of memory. If you want to clean up some files, you can't delete them. Once you clean up and want to look at the files, they are expired. The only way is to change to a mobile phone with a larger memory.

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TapTechNews found out that the latest iOS 8.0.XX version of WeChat launched by Tencent has exceeded 700 megabytes in volume. And at the beginning, WeChat only had 457 kilobytes. In other words, the installation package has expanded by 575 times in 11 years.

In addition, because WeChat adheres to the strategy of storing chat records locally, the occupied space of the user data part is getting larger and larger, but it is impossible for people to clean up.
