China's New Energy Vehicle Industry and Chip Shortage

TapTechNews July 13th news, according to RuiJian Economy report, during the 2024 China Auto Forum held in Shanghai from July 11th to 13th, Luo Daojun, the senior vice president of the Components and Materials Research Institute of the Fifth Institute of Electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, gave a keynote speech.

Luo Daojun said that China has the largest capacity of new energy vehicles, and the (chip) usage is also increasing. However, the current self-sufficiency rate of chips is less than 10%, which is a structural shortage. He suggested that enterprises doing automotive-related chips should try to move towards the high end as the low-end chip industry has begun to be'severely competitive'. 'We have a saying that as long as Chinese people can do it, it will be quickly resolved, so continuous innovation is necessary.'

Luo Daojun emphasized that there are two highlights in China's current industry, one is new energy, and the other is automobiles. 'Nowadays, the international environment is getting worse and worse, and the involution of auto companies is also getting more and more severe. So for chips, the car is a good industry, and the applications are also increasing. The structural contradiction also creates a very good opportunity for us.'

According to TapTechNews' previous report, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the 'Key Points of Automobile Standardization Work in 2024' in June, mentioning important tasks such as increasing the research and development intensity of intelligent connected vehicle standards, strengthening the supply of automotive chip standards, upgrading automotive safety standards, and consolidating automotive electronics standards.

Related Reading:

'Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Increase the research and development intensity of intelligent connected vehicle standards and strengthen the supply of automotive chip standards'
