2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo Held in Tianjin

TapTechNews on June 20, according to CCTV News, the 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo is held in Tianjin today, and the Report on the Development of a New Generation of China's Artificial Intelligence Technology Industry in 2024 is released.

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Data shows that the number of artificial intelligence enterprises in China has exceeded 4,000, and artificial intelligence has become an important driving force and strategic technology in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Based on independent innovation, China has constructed an artificial intelligence technology system, industrial innovation ecosystem and enterprise alliance including intelligent chips, large models, basic architectures and operating systems, tool chains, deep learning platforms and application technologies, and the key supporting effect on remodeling the industrial system and vigorously promoting new industrialization is gradually emerging.

In 2023, the core industrial scale of artificial intelligence in China reached 578.4 billion Chinese yuan with a growth rate of 13.9%. The enterprise adoption rate of generative AI in China has reached 15% and the market scale is about 1.44 trillion Chinese yuan.

According to Liu Gang, chief economist of the China New Generation of Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy Research Institute, artificial intelligence realizes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and improves efficiency, while bringing new industrial development. Finally, it will make China's manufacturing industry stronger and the economic structure more optimized, and the economy can truly realize from the traditional extensive economy to the current intensive development. After 2022, artificial intelligence has entered the general artificial intelligence development stage dominated by large models from the special artificial intelligence stage, which will play a very big role in promoting the economy.
