iFLYTEK's XF Spark Lite API Permanently Free

TapTechNews May 22nd news, iFLYTEK officially announced today that its XF Spark Lite API will be permanently free and open, supporting online network search and applicable to customized scenarios such as low computing power inference and model fine-tuning.

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TapTechNews note: The price of XF Spark Pro/Max API is: $0.03 (0.21 RMB) per 10,000 tokens.

According to the introduction, 1 token is equivalent to 1.5 Chinese characters. Users can pay $0.03 to call XF Spark 3.5 Max to generate the content volume of Yu Hua's To Live.

XF Spark large model V3.5 was released in January this year, and this model brings seven ability enhancements: text generation increased by 7.3%, language understanding increased by 7.6%, knowledge Q&A increased by 4.7%, logical reasoning increased by 9.5%, mathematical ability increased by 9.8%, code ability increased by 8.0%, and multi-modal ability increased by 6.6%.

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According to the official description, in the aspect of long text processing, the XF Spark large model can quickly absorb and understand a large amount of text data from different channels, and provide more accurate answers for Q&A in various industries and professional fields. In addition, in terms of file upload, the response speed of knowledge Q&A, and text generation, the efficiency of XF Spark has also been improved.
