China Releases Measures to Create New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivate Growth Points

TapTechNews June 24th news, The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration for Market Regulation today jointly issued the "Measures for Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points of Consumption". The "Measures" propose that new consumption scenarios are the systematic integration of new business forms, new models, and new products of consumption, which is of great significance for promoting the upgrading of consumption quality and better meeting people's high-quality life needs.

TapTechNews summarizes some key tasks:

Support intelligent upgrade of catering consumption: Promote the digital transformation of catering business entities to enhance the ability of market analysis and customer acquisition. Promote the intelligent upgrade of food delivery ordering and distribution intelligently, encourage personalized recommendations based on historical orders, dietary restrictions and preferences, and promote unmanned delivery in areas where conditions permit. Encourage the transparency of catering kitchens and vigorously promote the self-disclosure system of ingredients and cooking methods in the catering sector.

Expand the space of cultural, entertainment and sports consumption: Create a new-generation trendy-play gathering place, support the creation of a number of new performance spaces, and promote the innovation of scenarios for cultural entertainment forms such as virtual reality (VR) experience. Increase the supply of high-quality performances, increase the introduction of high-quality cultural products from overseas. Accelerate the construction of the national cultural private network and the cultural big data platform, and develop new consumption scenarios of digital culture. Continue to promote the governance of complex TV operations, organize and carry out the application demonstration of audio-visual virtual reality production technology and the "future TV" pilot, encourage the production of more high-quality radio, television and audio-visual content to drive the consumption of audio-visual electronics.

Expand new scenarios of automobile consumption: Encourage restricted purchase cities to relax the restrictions on vehicle purchases, increase the number of vehicle purchase quotas. Through the joint efforts of the central government and local governments, allocate funds to support the scrapping and renewal of eligible old vehicles. Encourage local governments in areas where conditions permit to support vehicle replacement and renewal. Expand the pilot scope of the first batch of complete electrification of vehicles in public areas. Steadily promote the commercial landing operation of autonomous driving and create new scenarios of high-level intelligent driving. Carry out the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" application pilot for intelligent vehicles. Carry out the urban vehicle circulation consumption reform pilot. Combined with car races, self-driving camping, car culture experience, car modification, car rental, etc., enrich the products and services of the automotive aftermarket, and further promote the convenient and safe trading of second-hand cars.

Create new scenarios of electronic product consumption: Strengthen the software and hardware function development such as flexible screen, super photography, super fast charging, artificial intelligence assistant, on-device large model, and cross-screen and cross-terminal interconnection, and enhance the convenience of human-computer interaction. Support the application of smart wearable devices in the fields of communication entertainment, sports fitness, health monitoring, and mobile payment, and explore the application fields of flexible wearable and environment-adaptive smart textiles. Expand the functions of intelligent robots in cleaning, entertainment and leisure, elderly care and disability assistance and nursing, education and training, and explore the development of humanoid robots based on artificial intelligence large models. Encourage the exploration of new models such as reverse customization, personalized design and flexible production, and innovate the application scenarios of electronic products. Encourage the holding of electronic product fairs in a market-oriented way to improve the awareness and penetration rate of smart products.
