Elon Musk on Humans' Future in Space

TapTechNews May 24th news, Elon Musk said at the VivaTech expo in Paris on Thursday: I think we may have the first batch of humans landing on Mars in 10 years, perhaps within seven to eight years, humans will return to the Moon within five years.

We need to become a sustainable multi-planetary civilization, and this is the first time in the history of the Earth that it may be possible to do this, and this ability may only be open for a short period of time, he added.

NASA signed a nearly $3 billion (TapTechNews note: currently about 21.75 billion yuan) contract with SpaceX to use its Starship giant rocket as the lunar lander for the Artemis moon landing mission to send Artemis astronauts to the Moon.

Musk said that his SpaceX company and other companies with partially reusable spacecraft and rockets will complete this task, and any rocket that does not have or mostly does not have reuse will not be able to survive, which is not cost-effective for the company.

When asked if there are aliens on Earth, he said: People often ask me if I think there are aliens on Earth, I haven't seen any evidence of aliens. If I saw it, I would post the evidence on the X platform.

Maybe we are alone in this galaxy, maybe only ourselves, our consciousness is extremely fragile, Musk added, and then he joked, I'm an alien. But no one believes me.
