Nezha Auto's Hong Kong R & D Center Inaugurated, Focus on Core Tech for New Energy Vehicles

TapTechNews August 9th news, Nezha Auto's Hong Kong R & D Center was officially inaugurated today. The official said that this event marks the official landing of Nezha Auto's R & D strength in Hong Kong.

The Nezha Auto Hong Kong R & D Center will focus on the core technologies of new energy vehicles, including but not limited to intelligent driving for the global market, fully natural language multilingual voice interaction, intelligent images, OTA software online upgrade, AI large model, and intelligent connected ecological applications and services.

In March this year, Nezha Auto signed an agreement with the Hong Kong government. According to the agreement, the Hong Kong government will provide Nezha Auto with a subsidy of 200 million Hong Kong dollars and assist in the cornerstone round investment of 200 million US dollars. (1 Hong Kong dollar is approximately equal to 0.13 US dollars)

Nezha Autos Hong Kong R & D Center Inaugurated, Focus on Core Tech for New Energy Vehicles_0

Previously, Nezha Auto has established an overseas center in Hong Kong and is establishing an overseas intelligent R & D center and big data center as planned, developing localized intelligent new energy vehicles around the characteristics of overseas users, and plans to build a production factory in Hong Kong to assist the connection between Hong Kong and the mainland industry.

According to TapTechNews' previous report, Nezha Auto delivered 11,015 vehicles in the whole series in July, an increase of 9.7% year-on-year.
