TikTok Releases Notice on Regulating Outdoor Live Stream during College Entrance Examination

TapTechNews, on June 7th, it is the first day of the college entrance examination in 2024. TikTok has released the 'Announcement on the Norms of Outdoor Live Streaming during the College Entrance Examination Period'. TikTok Live continuously manages the bad content of outdoor live streaming. Especially during this period, strict measures are taken against the live streaming behavior that disturbs the order of the college entrance examination. At the same time, it calls on all MCN institutions, anchors, and users to work together with the platform to create a good environment. TapTechNews attaches the following key points:

Prohibit outdoor live streaming from disturbing the examination room order. TikTok Live prohibits all forms of outdoor live streaming from disturbing the examination room order and strictly manages 'annoying the people'-style outdoor live streaming, including but not limited to clustering live streaming around the examination site, on the open and used roadside, under the bridge and other public places, or loudly live streaming in the residential area to affect the normal rest of residents.

Pay attention to the live streaming place and avoid live streaming occupying the places around the examination site. Consciously abide by the local traffic control and do not live stream or cluster around the examination site and its周边 to avoid causing congestion.

Control the volume of the live streaming to avoid disturbing the candidates. It is hoped that anchors will avoid the examination time period as much as possible, reduce the volume, and carry out live streaming behavior in an orderly and civilized manner.

TikTok officials said: 'Finally, we hope to work together with the majority of anchors and users to create a quiet and suitable environment for candidates to prepare for and take the examination with actions, escort their dreams together, and also wish all candidates can exert their best level.'
