Apple Releases iOS 18 Developer Beta with Hidden Math Feature

TapTechNews June 16th news, Apple has released the iOS 18 developer beta version at WWDC2024. In addition to the new features mentioned by the official, some careful users also discovered some hidden functions. User @rjonesy found that iOS 18 can directly perform mathematical operations in any text box without the need to open the Calculator App separately.

Apple Releases iOS 18 Developer Beta with Hidden Math Feature_0

Users enter the arithmetic expressions in the text boxes such as chat and memo, and iOS 18 will automatically recognize and give the answers. Users can choose to display only the final result or present the entire calculation process along with the answer. This feature is very convenient for daily quick calculations.

TapTechNews noticed that Apple seems to be strengthening the ability of its system in mathematics. For example, the company also released a new MathNotes Calculator App for iPadOS, which can handwrite mathematical formulas and get the answers directly.

Users who want to experience this text box calculation function still need to wait patiently. Currently, only the developer beta version of iOS 18 is available. It is recommended that non-developer users wait until the public beta version next month or the official version of autumn.

Apple WWDC24 Developer Conference Keynote Speech Feature
