Sonos Privacy Policy Update Causes Concern Among Users

TapTechNews June 16, it was reported that the audio brand Sonos recently updated its privacy policy in the US region, and a seemingly small change has attracted attention because the change seems to imply that user data may be sold.

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In the 2023 version of Sonos' privacy policy, it is clearly stated that We do not and have never sold customers' personal data to third parties. However, in the 2024 privacy policy in the US region, this clause has disappeared, while the clause remains in the policy versions of other countries.

This change has triggered dissatisfaction among Sonos users, and their dissatisfaction with Sonos has been accumulating recently. In May this year, Sonos launched a highly criticized new version of the App design, which lacks many key functions such as editing the song queue, managing playlists, randomly playing the music library, and so on.

The Sonos users have been bitter about the poor App redesign experience, and now the change in the privacy policy is seen as the last straw that breaks the camel's back. A Reddit user, remarkableAgent1350, commented: What's going on with Sonos? It's heart-breaking, especially after going through the App turmoil. I used to like Sonos products very much. But now, this may really be the last straw that crushes me, and I may give up on Sonos.

It should be noted that the removal of this statement in the privacy policy does not necessarily mean that Sonos will sell user data. But as of TapTechNews' press time, Sonos has not made any explanation for this change.
