Shanghai Municipal People's Government Issued Disruptive Technology Innovation Project Management Measures

TapTechNews June 12th. The Shanghai Municipal People's Government has today issued the Interim Measures for the Management of the Shanghai Municipal Disruptive Technology Innovation Project Interpretation for Departments. It is reported that, in order to further adapt to the transformation of the scientific research paradigm and accelerate the development of disruptive technological innovation, the Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission has established the Shanghai Municipal Disruptive Technology Innovation Special Project (hereinafter referred to as the Special Project), and formulated and formed the Interim Measures for the Management of Shanghai Municipal Disruptive Technology Innovation Projects.

TapTechNews note: According to the definition of the Ministry of Science and Technology, disruptive technology, as an innovational detour, has revolutionary significance in reshaping human life, industrial production, and commercial consumption patterns, and is an important breakthrough in scientific and technological innovation.

The Interim Measures for the Management of Shanghai Municipal Disruptive Technology Innovation Projects propose that the Special Project is committed to serving the national strategy and Shanghai's development, discovering, selecting, and laying out the implementation of disruptive technology innovation projects in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region, cultivating and reserving projects with disruptive technological potential for the country, and promoting the transformation and landing of project results.

The Special Project focuses on the needs of economic and social development, dynamically adjusts the key layout points, focuses on cross-field cooperation, tolerates non-consensus projects, and open-layout projects or technology project groups, mainly including the following three aspects:

(1) Breakthrough of key technologies. In the fields of integrated circuits, artificial intelligence technology, life and health, energy and low carbon, high-end equipment, advanced manufacturing, marine science and technology, etc., all kinds of disruptive technologies are discovered, selected, and cultivated on a regular basis, with breakthroughs in new technologies at points, seizing the initiative, and creating new opportunities for breaking through the chokepoint dilemma;

(2) Cultivation of cutting-edge technologies. In the fields of micro-nano photonics and sensing, gene and cell regulation, biosynthetic materials, high-end medical devices, advanced robots, metaverse, blockchain, and autonomous driving, etc., the whole industrial chain technologies are discovered and systematically laid out in an open way, opening up new technological routes, opening up new tracks, and achieving leading and driving;

(3) Exploration of future technologies. In the fields of cross-scale life analysis, brain science, humanoid and bionic systems, organ medicine, biomanufacturing, quantum computing and communication, and future energy technology, etc., diverse technologies are discovered and systematically laid out in an open way to build new technology groups and master the initiative of innovation.
