Nintendo Leaks and Information Security

According to TapTechNews on June 27, Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier recently published an article interviewing several well-known leakers. Among them, @Pyoro, who has a 100% accuracy rate in Nintendo leaks, said that his source was an employee of Nintendo Japan.

In addition, a report by 404media earlier this month showed that a large number of Nintendo announcements' leaks in recent years came from a Google employee, because he had the right to access private videos in Nintendo's YouTube account, resulting in the leak incident.

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At today's annual general meeting, when Nintendo directors were asked about this matter, they stated that they had noticed the relevant reports and claimed that Nintendo has been cooperating with professional companies to diagnose information security and take various other measures.

Nintendo directors said that the company has taken information security management as part of its internal information security system and is also striving to conduct IT security education for employees.

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TapTechNews briefly mentions the Pyoro incident here: Earlier this month, Pyoro claimed that there was no blockbuster content in the direct presentation on June 18, but was later slapped in the face after the direct presentation. Later, some netizens unearthed Pyoro's source, and a series of evidence all pointed to the Nintendo official website backstage.

Later, when Pyoro talked about this event in an interview with Bloomberg, he said his source was an employee at Nintendo Japan headquarters, so he could access the website backstage.

Still later, Pyoro exclaimed (he) didn't expect this part to be written in the article either after finding his words publicly reported, and then quickly deleted all his posts, changed his profile picture, and set his account as a private account, which means that this leaker king has thus retired.
