Ideal Auto's 500th Ultra-fast Charging Station Operational, Future Plans Revealed

TapTechNews June 27th news, Ideal Auto officially announced today that the 500th Ideal Ultra-fast Charging Station has been officially put into operation, and it only took 43 days from the 400th station (TapTechNews note: launched on May 16th) to the 500th station.

Ideal Auto stated that it will continue to layout and steadily accelerate, and it is expected to build more than 2,000 Ideal Ultra-fast Charging Stations and more than 10,000 Ideal charging piles by the end of the year.

Ideal Auto said that the current number of Ideal High-speed Ultra-fast Charging Stations has reached 416 and is leading, and all the core cities in the four major economic belts are fully connected.

Currently, Ideal High-speed Ultra-fast Charging Stations have covered the G2 Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway, the G15 Shenhai Section of the Shenzhen-Haikou Expressway, and the G25 Hangzhou-Shenzhen Section of the Hangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway, and in the future will also run through a total of 10 national expressways including the seven vertical and three horizontal.
