Microsoft Removed WordPad in Windows 11 24H2 Update But There's a Way to Bring It Back

TapTechNews June 24 news, many users are dissatisfied with Microsoft's removal of the WordPad feature in the Windows 11 24H2 update. Although the Notepad is still available and there are other free word processing software on the market, many people still have deep feelings for the WordPad that has accompanied them for many years. The good news is that someone has found a way to bring the WordPad back to the Windows 11 24H2 system.

Microsoft Removed WordPad in Windows 11 24H2 Update But Theres a Way to Bring It Back_0

According to the WindowsLatest website, the core program file of the WordPad is still retained in the system directory (C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories). Although the system itself lacks the key file for the WordPad to operate normally, it can be solved by re-downloading. WindowsLatest provides a OneDrive folder that contains all the files needed to resurrect the WordPad. Users only need to extract the downloaded files to the Accessories folder and then double-click Wordpad.exe to run the WordPad.

Microsoft Removed WordPad in Windows 11 24H2 Update But Theres a Way to Bring It Back_1

TapTechNews should point out that this method is not in the traditional sense of reinstallation, so the WordPad cannot be found through the system search or the start menu. It is recommended that users send the WordPad program to the desktop or manually pin it to the start menu for future use.
