OpenAI Announces Delay of ChatGPT Voice Assistant Release

TapTechNews June 26th news, early this morning Beijing time, OpenAI posted on X (Twitter) to announce that the highly anticipated ChatGPT voice assistant function will be postponed for release as the company needs to ensure that it can handle the requests from millions of users "safely and effectively".

TapTechNews attached the gist of the notice as follows:

We'd like to share the latest progress on the advanced voice mode demonstrated in the spring update, and we're still very excited about it:

We originally planned to start rolling out the beta version to a small subset of ChatGPT Plus users in late June, but it will take an additional month to reach the launch standard. For example, we are enhancing the ability of this model to detect and reject certain contents. We are also working on improving the user experience and preparing the infrastructure to accommodate scaling to millions of users while maintaining real-time responses.

As part of the iterative deployment strategy, we will start testing with a small number of users first, collect feedback, and expand based on the feedback. We plan to make it available to all Plus users in fall, and the specific time depends on whether we can meet high security and reliability standards. We are also working on introducing the new video and screen sharing functions that we separately demonstrated and will keep you informed in a timely manner.

The advanced voice mode of ChatGPT is capable of understanding and responding to emotions and non-verbal cues, bringing us closer to having a real-time, natural conversation with artificial intelligence. Our mission is to bring you these carefully designed new experiences.

This means that users will have to wait a little longer to have a "chat" with the ChatGPT voice assistant. On May 14 this year, OpenAI released the new GPT-4o model, and GPT-4o can understand the user's voice questions and answer them with a voice.

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