Samsung Display Buys US Patents in FMM-free OLED Field

According to TapTechNews on June 18th, as reported by Korean media TheElec, Samsung Display has recently purchased five US patents in the field of FMM-free OLED from the US company Orthogonal.

Among them, four patents are named Lithographic patterning of organic electronic devices, and the other is Color OLED display with larger aperture ratio. Currently, the corresponding patents in Korea for these four patents have not changed ownership.

TapTechNews understands that the Fine Metal Mask (FMM) is a metal sheet with a large number of small holes on the surface and is the core equipment of the traditional OLED evaporation process, responsible for guiding the directional deposition of OLED luminescent materials. But the FMM also brings a series of problems such as large limitations in accuracy and low material utilization rate, which in turn limits the pixel density, brightness and life performance of existing OLED displays.

The FMM-free OLED uses lithography process to construct the RGB pixel emissive layer and the common layer, which can significantly improve the effective luminous area and brightness performance of the OLED panel.

Currently, in the display industry, the enterprises with relatively rapid progress in FMM-free OLED are JDI and Visionox, among which JDI's eLEAP OLED will achieve mass production in December 2024, and Visionox is also promoting the commercialization of its ViP technology.

Industry insiders said that the IT medium-sized display panel market is suitable for small-scale mass production of leading technologies and will become the main application field of FMM-free OLED in the future.

Samsung Display's purchase of relevant patents from Orthogonal will enrich its technical reserves in the direction of medium-sized RGBOLED in FMM-free, boost the R & D work while also establishing a certain patent defense.
