Samsung GalaxyBuds3 Headphones May Switch Gestures, Features Revealed

TapTechNews June 18th, the tech media AndroidAuthority teamed up with AssembleDebug to reverse-compile the version of the SamsungMembers application, finding that the GalaxyBuds3 headphones may abandon the swipe (swipes) gesture and switch to the pinch (pinches) gesture.

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The media found in the APK code that the GalaxyBuds3 series headphones are equipped with a pinch (pinch) sensor that can respond to the user pinching gesture.

In addition, the pictures also show the appearance change of the GalaxyBuds3 series headphones, adopting a stem-like design similar to Apple's AirPods. Samsung may use the pinch gesture to allow users to control some basic functions, such as pausing with one pinch, skipping with two pinches, and returning with three pinches. TapTechNews attaches relevant pictures as follows:

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Previously, it was reported that Samsung could place the microphone closer to the edge of the stem, thereby improving call quality and active noise reduction effects. At the same time, the slimmer earbud part will also bring a better fit for wearing.

It is currently not clear whether this feature is exclusive to the GalaxyBuds3 Pro headphones or is configured for the entire series.
