Apple Gets New Patent for Journal App with AppleIntelligence Upgrade

TapTechNews August 10th news, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained a new patent, hinting at the upcoming AppleIntelligence upgrade for the Journal application.

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The technology media TheMacObserver interprets this patent, indicating that Apple hopes to achieve a more personalized and intimate Journal experience by deploying AppleIntelligence.

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For example, after a user completes daily exercise or takes multiple photos at the same location, the system will more actively ask the user to record a memory in the Journal application.

From another example, Apple also plans to integrate the Journal application with calendar events and reminder items. TapTechNews attaches relevant pictures as follows:

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This patent also shows a new timeline interface, where users can view events that occurred on the same day like chatting, rather than cards with covers and small text.
