ByteDance Clarifies on Alleged AI Mobile Phone Project

TapTechNews on June 12, according to Sina Technology. Recently, there have been media reports claiming that ByteDance has secretly launched an AI mobile phone research and development project two months ago. In response to the above information, relevant people from ByteDance said: The information is not true. Actually, it is exploring a large-scale model software solution based on mobile phones to provide for reference to mobile phone manufacturers. Currently, there is no plan to make and sell mobile phones by itself.

TapTechNews found out through inquiry that the news originally came from a tweet published by the AR circle on June 10, which claimed that the core team of this project mainly consists of two parts: one part comes from the Hammer mobile phone R & D team that ByteDance acquired in 2019, and the other part comes from the PICO VR R & D team that ByteDance acquired in 2021.

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According to the data released by SensorTower in May, as of April this year, the download volume of ByteDance's AI chatbot Doubao on the Apple iOS platform within one year is close to 9 million times, and Wenxin Yiyan follows closely with a download volume of 8 million times. In terms of monthly active users, the number of users of Doubao also reaches nearly 400,000.
