World of Warcraft Chinese Server Updates New Servers, Soft Launch Details

TapTechNews June 24th news, the official of World of Warcraft Chinese server released an announcement that the voting for the names of new servers in Wrath of the Lich King has ended. When the server opens on June 27th, two new servers - 'Jaina' and 'Deathstalker' - will be open, and 'Ruby Sanctum' and 'Snow Fury' will be the server names to be opened in the future.

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According to TapTechNews' previous report, the Chinese server of World of Warcraft announced that it will hold a 'Mana Crystal Face-to-Face Meeting' at 10:30 am on June 27th and will announce new news about the return, including the opening time, version content, return gifts, etc.

It should be noted that the official said that during the soft launch on June 27th, still no commercial operation can be carried out, and there are still some problems in the game:

The game time will not be consumed

In the soft launch stage, playing does not require consuming game time. Whether there is still game time left in the account or not, players can directly enter the game. At the same time, it is also not possible to buy game time in the soft launch stage.

The Mall service will not be available

In the soft launch stage, players will not be able to purchase various products in the mall, and services such as purchased character transfer, character name change, faction change, race change, and character instant leveling that have been purchased will also not be able to be used temporarily.

The servers will be temporarily locked

In the soft launch stage, the official will continue to optimize the game service. In order to relieve the pressure on the servers and deal with unstable situations, the official will temporarily take restrictive measures. All servers will be locked, and players can only create new characters on the servers with existing characters. The official will also open new servers, and new registered players can only create characters on the new servers.
