Seres Group's Updates at 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo

TapTechNews June 20 news, the 2024 World Intelligent Industry Expo kicks off today in Tianjin, and Zhang Xinghai, the chairman of Seres Group, delivers a speech at the opening ceremony.

Zhang Xinghai stated that Seres adheres to software-defined vehicles and has been exploring intelligent connected vehicle solutions from a high starting point eight years ago. Three years ago, it conducted industrial cross-border integration with Huawei, jointly designed and had joint operations, bringing users the AITO M5, M7, and M9 three vehicles that are recognized and loved by the market. At the same time, software-defined vehicles have also reconstructed the automotive industry chain, especially the integration of the supply chain. Previously, 300 first-tier suppliers have now been integrated into 100, of which 20 are world-class supply chains.

Zhang Xinghai said that Seres has cumulatively pushed and completed 1.4 million OTA updates for users, updated once every five days. Up to now, the total intelligent driving mileage has cumulatively reached 265 million kilometers, and about 2.35 million kilometers are newly added every day recently. Currently, two-thirds of the AITO vehicles produced by Seres have high-level intelligent driving functions, and one-third have assisted driving functions. The penetration rate of new energy vehicles has reached 50%, and the penetration rate of intelligent driving will also increase rapidly.

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According to the previous report by TapTechNews, the data of Seres' production and sales bulletins in May showed that the company's new energy vehicle sales in that month were 34,130 units, a year-on-year increase of 298.62%, and the cumulative number for the current year was 156,823 units, a cumulative year-on-year increase of 342.35%. In addition, Hongmeng Zhixing delivered 30,578 new vehicles across all series in May, among which the delivery of the AITO M9 was 15,875 units.
