Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan Launched on UnionTech Application Store

TapTechNews May 28th news, according to the official public account of UnionTech UOS, the artificial intelligence large language model product Wenxin Yiyan developed by Baidu has been officially launched on the UnionTech application store, and users can download, install and use Wenxin Yiyan with one click through the UnionTech application store.

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TapTechNews quoted the official data of UnionTech. At present, the cumulative shipment of the desktop version of UnionTech UOS has exceeded 6 million sets, and the market share continues to remain the first; the growth rate of the shipment of the server version of UnionTech UOS is the first in the industry, serving 70% of the Party and government, 80% of central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, 65% of ministries and commissions, 90% of the financial industry, 90% of educational customers and tens of millions of individual users.

The UOSAI has been launched on the UnionTech UOS desktop platform in January this year. This AI is compatible with cloud-side and end-side large models and supports accessing privately deployed local models. Users of the professional version of UnionTech UOS V20 (version 1030 and above) can directly go to the UnionTech application store to download and use.

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