Is Luobo Kuaipei Coming to Jinan? The Truth Behind the Scenes

TapTechNews August 9th news, according to the report of Poster News, the news that Luobo Kuaipei has come to Jinan has been spreading on the online platform recently. The reporter learned through multiple inquiries that the road test vehicle discussed by netizens is hung with a Lu Q license plate instead of a local license plate in Jinan. It can be seen from the photos and videos provided by netizens that this new energy vehicle often appears on the Industrial North Elevated Road and the main urban roads in Jinan.

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On the afternoon of August 8th, the reporter contacted the Jinan Intelligent Connected Vehicle Road Test and Demonstration Application Joint Conference Office. The relevant staff said that road testing must be approved by the three departments of industry and information technology, transportation, and public security before it can be tested on the specified roads. At present, no notice of any driverless vehicle test has been received, and no driverless taxi test on the road has been approved.

The reporter found a clue in a certain new energy vehicle sales store in Jinan High-tech Zone. A new energy vehicle with Luobo Kuaipei pasted was parked at the entrance of the store. The salesperson introduced that because the new energy brand vehicle has a cooperation with Baidu in driverless technology, the driverless technology of the vehicle is the same as the currently highly popular Luobo Kuaipei technology. In order to increase the popularity of the vehicle, the store pasted relevant words such as Luobo Kuaipei and autonomous driving test vehicle.

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According to TapTechNews' understanding, Luobo Kuaipei is an autonomous driving travel service platform under Baidu and has opened manned test operation services in 11 cities, and has carried out fully unmanned autonomous driving travel service tests in Beijing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Shenzhen, and Shanghai.
