Jiyue 01 Car Starts System Update with Expanded Smart Driving Coverage

TapTechNews, on June 25th, it is reported that the Jiyue 01 car has started to push the V1.6.0 version system update today, PPA smart driving covers more than 300 cities (approx. 186 in Chinese miles).

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The official of Jiyue has not yet given the specific list of PPA opening cities for the time being. TapTechNews attaches the update records as follows:

Smart Driving

The PPA range is expanded to more than 300 cities. For specific city information, you can pay attention to the Jiyue's official publicity channels in the near future.

Function Optimization

Iterate the visual basic model to enhance the perception ability.

Optimize the problem of possible collision risk caused by the secondary starting due to missed perception of the front vehicle in the occasional car-following scenario.

Optimize the lane not centered and压线 driving phenomenon in some LCC scenarios.

Optimize the occasional abnormal display of the map at the road connection scenarios such as ramps and tunnels.

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The blogger @DeluLovesDriving disclosed that Jiyue's 'can be driven nationwide should be placed in the third quarter'.

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TapTechNews previously reported that at the ApolloDay 2024 event held in May, Baidu Apollo released the world's first large model ApolloADFM (AutonomousDrivingFoundationModel) that supports L4-level autonomous driving.

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All models of Jiyue's production debut are supported by this model with pure visual urban pilot assisted driving ASD (ApolloSelf-Driving), which is claimed to achieve the effect of 'can be driven nationwide, can be driven wherever there is Baidu Map'.

Related Reading:

'The coverage of Jiyue's car PPA smart driving on national highway and elevated sections has increased by 124 cities'
